Kindness is blind. Kindness does not care what is trending, what’s in season, how much money we make, where we work, where we live, who we’re dating or anything else materialistic or superficial. Kindness are the tears streaming down the face of someone grateful to receive a meal, kindness is the warm hug with someone who feels alone, kindness is the smile you share with a stranger, kindness is believing in someone when they no longer believe in themself, kindness is world peace, kindness is making a difference that only you know about.
Kindness is a capability we are all blessed with and expected to share every single day. The importance of lending a helping hand, laughing, donating time, money, food or shelter, listening, complimenting or saying I love you make more of a difference than you might think. Kindness changes lives and more importantly, saves lives. As we embark on a new year, I challenge each of you to make kindness a priority and watch as it not only changes others lives for the better but your own life as well!